Monthly Archives: October 2014

20 and Losing My Mind..

Lately I have had the overwhelming urge to start over and make a new life for myself and my son. I just don’t like where I am in life, I feel so lost and am constantly wondering “what next?”. All of my friends that I thought I had vanished since the birth of my son. The father of my son is 3 years older then I am and I’m almost positive he has anger problems. I say this because I could do some of the simplest severity and it’s like the world is crashing down around him! When I’m alone I can’t help but feel overwhelmed and scared to what the next day will hold. My son is the one person who helps me through each and everyday, the best part of that is, he’s only 6 months old. That litttle boy has more power over me then anyone or thing in my entire life!  My loce for him is indescribable and will be for eternity!💚 Getting pregnant with him was possibly the best thing that could have happened.  Coming from someone in their 20’s that may sound a little crazy but i was headed the wrong way in life and he flipped that around in a complete 360!

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